Valita Titer plate-based, 96- and 384-well assays that offers a rapid, cost effective way to measure IgG. Valita Titer is among the industry’s fastest IgG tests and is compatible with all plate readers with a Fluorescence Polarization module.
- Straight from culture to plates and results
- Measure IgG directly in cell suspension
- Rapid & easy to use
What if you could accurately measure IgG in minutes, not hours? What if you could go straight from cultured to plates and results with no sample prep additional reagents or wash.
Find the answers to your what ifs with the Velita Titer assay.
The Velita Titer assay is the fastest, easiest, and readily automatable IgG qualification assay available.
Available in ninety six and three hundred eighty four well formats.
And in two detection range formats, two point five to one hundred milligrams per liter, and one hundred to two thousand milligrams per liter.
It enables rapid high throughput IgG quantification directly from crude cell culture samples no matter which stage of the biologics drug discovery and development workflow you're in. The Volita Titer assay can give you the precise results you need in mere minutes. Simply add cell supernaten to the Velita tighter assay plate, incubate at room temperature, quantify IgG using a plate reader equipped with a fluorescence polarization module And depending on the micro plate reader and method, you can get your results in as little as fifteen minutes.
In cell line development, being able to accurately and rapidly measure monoclonal antibody titer is critical.
However, with some methods such as Eliza and HPLC, It may take hours to obtain results through the sample prep and the need for multiple reagents.
When you're processing hundreds or thousands of clones to generate a commercially viable cell line, those hours add up and add unnecessary complexity to your workflow. And in the end, your time to market.
It doesn't have to be this way though. The Volita Titer assay is among the fastest easiest and readily automatable IgG qualification assays available in just three simple steps and as little as fifteen minutes.
You'll be able prepare and measure a full ninety six or three hundred eighty four well plate. There's no sample prep additional reagents or one required. So if you wanna measure non purified samples directly from a bioreactor, go right ahead.
Simply add, mix, and read.
Let's take a closer look at how the Valita Titer assay performs in comparison to HPLC, BLI, and Elias The Belita Titer assay has been routinely compared to standard IgG qualification methods, like protein a h b l c, BLI and Eliza, where you can expect high correlation between each technology in a fully optimized system.
So you can still expect the same level of accuracy is your existing method with increased throughput and without the need for time consuming preparation or purification steps.
Thanks in part to the power of fluorescence polarization. The Valita essays are among the fastest, easiest, and readily automatable quantification assays available.
Fluorescence polarization is a widely used technique for monitoring binding and solution.
It's based on the observation that when a fluorescently labeled molecule is excited with plane polarized light, it emits light with a level polarization that is inversely proportional to the rate of molecular rotation.
Simply put small molecules rotate rapidly in solution, while larger molecules rotate more slowly.
Let's take a closer look. As you can see, when you excite a sample with plane polarized light, The probe unbound in solution rotates rapidly leading to depolarization of emitted light and when bound to a higher killer weight target protein, the complex rotates slowly, leading to the retention of polarized light. The amount of target in solution can then be calculated with the observed output polarization in a mixture of labeled probe and target being proportional to the fraction of bound probe in solution.
Belita tighter plates come pre coated with an FC specific fluorescently labeled probe.
So, for example, to affect and rapidly quantify IgG in your lab, all you'd need is a fluorescence polarization enabled micro plate reader and filters that are compatible with green fluorescent dyes such as fluorescein.
The Belita Titer assay is known as one of the fastest and easiest IgG qualification assays because of its simple and fast add, mix, and read workflow.
Let's walk through the steps. Belita Titer plates come pre coated with an IgG FC specific fluorescently labeled probe wrapped in a sealed foil package.
To start, simply pair your standards to the required range using fresh culture media.
Depending on your sample concentration, you may need to dilute your samples in fresh cell culture media to reach the appropriate assay kit range.
If you need help selecting the right standards for your assay, just ask us for assistance.
Next, using a multichannel pipette, add sixty microliters of fresh cell culture media to each standard and sample well. There's no need to mix at this step. However, keep in mind that quantification accuracy tends to be sensitive to variation in air bubbles.
So it's best if you reverse pipe at here. Now it's time to mix each prepared standard and add sixty microliters to the required wells. As you begin to familiarize yourself with the Velita Titer assay. It's best if you add and measure your standards in triplicate.
As you become more comfortable, you can scale down to duplicate or sing it.
Next, go ahead and mix your samples and reverse pipette sixty microliters of each to the required wells.
Again, for new users, it's best to start by dispensing samples in triplicate, and then work your way down as you become more comfortable.
Now grab your channel pipette along with some fresh tips and mix each well up and down five or six times.
Then incubate the plate at room temperature.
Protect it from light for five minutes. The easiest and most convenient way to do this is to put it into your micro plate reader.
When the five minute incubation period is over, run a pre prepared optimized Volita Titer protocol on your micro plate reader If you're looking for configuration settings for your fluorescence polarization compatible micro plate reader, check Beckman dot com. We've compiled a handy list there. Measuring ninety six samples with a micro plate reader can take as little as two minutes. When the measurement is complete, you can determine your sample concentration using the standard curve. You can either do this manually or automate it using the micro plate reader's data analysis software.
Because of its simple ad mix and read workflow, you be able to easily integrate the Belita Titer assay with your automated liquid handler.
In fact, it's compatible with most automation platforms, including our BioMac I series automated workstations.
Not only will this enable you to take your throughput to new heights? You'll also be able to confidently walk away from experiments and take care of other tasks on your to do list.
Here you see biomec I series automated workstation equipped with a micro plate reader in action.
As you can see, all aspects from standard dilution to plate prep to measurement are automated, giving you one of the fastest automated tighter solutions available today.
You ready to accelerate your antibody discovery and development?
Get started today at beckman dot com.