Biosafe Centrifugation

Whether you're working with infectious disease samples or hazardous materials, your safety is our top priority. We designed labware to protect users from leaks as well as enable them to view and handle tubes through enclosed containers for added protection.
We offer a wide variety of labware designed to ensure biosafety during centrifugation. Our third-party tested BioCertified* Aerosolve canisters and bucket covers create a sealed, standalone containment system that’s easy to lift in and out of the rotor bucket. Labs also rely on our three-piece liquid tight cap assembly. Sample handling and exposure is further minimized by our easy-to-fill OptiSeal tubes with one-touch sealing, and disposable HarvestLine System Liners that retain hazardous pelleted samples for optimal safety.
Our instruments are available with optional HEPA filtration systems for a complete biosafety solution. From tube to rotor to centrifuge, we have considered all possible layers of safety for you and your lab, so you can continue your work with potentially hazardous samples and remain safe.
BioCertified Aerosolve Canisters and Bucket Covers
- Protect from aerosol leakage and spills from rotor buckets
- Transparent design makes it easy to check for broken labware
- Can be autoclaved up to 121°C
- Bucket covers available for 1.5 mL tubes to 750 mL bottles
- Microplate carrier covers accommodate 96-well plate format
*BioCertified is a term used to describe our products which have been tested and validated to demonstrate containment of microbiological aerosols by an independent, third-party facility (Health Protection Agency, Porton Down, UK or USAMRIID, Ft. Detrick, MD, USA).
Containment of biological agents and infectious substances is an essential element in maintaining a safe environment for biomedical and microbiological laboratories, Biosafety Levels labs, and vaccine production facilities.
Protecting against the potential release of hazardous aerosols into a lab during centrifugation requires good laboratory practices.
1. First Level of Protection: Labware
Protecting lab and personnel from aerosol leakage and spills with bucket and microplate carrier covers, disposable liners, sealing tubes, and/or tubes with threaded caps with inserts/plugs and O-rings.
2. Second Level of Protection: Rotors
Well-designed rotors offer additional biocontainment.
- Dual-locking lids enable the rotor to remain sealed while being carried to a biocontainment hood for sample retrieval.
- Lid and cap assemblies for fixed-angle and swinging-bucket rotors are designed to create a hermetic seal with the O-ring when used in a hard-vacuum environment.
- Fluid containment eliminates leakage into the centrifuge chamber even if the sample tubes leak.
3. Third level of protection: Centrifuge
Filtration of the air, both in and out of the centrifuge chamber, through Pharmaceutical-grade (HEPA) sterilizing filters, provides a final level of containment against potentially hazardous aerosols created during centrifugation and minimizes the risk of lab and/or personnel.