Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System

Introducing a reliable, easy-to-use, purpose-built liquid handler for automated next-generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation. Biomek NGeniuS System is ideal for laboratories requiring more flexibility and less hands-on time. The user-friendly software requires no sophisticated programming skills, making it easy to set up and run. An extensive library of complimentary demonstrated NGS sample prep protocols helps you to get up and running faster.

Biomek NGeniuS Features

Error Reduction

Biomek NGeniuS dynamic deckoptix camera A9875

  • Dynamic DeckOptix uses sophisticated optical analytics to give you real-time feedback on labware placement, while providing software confirmation upon correct placement to virtually eliminate loading errors
  • Reagent Identification System uses advanced optical character recognition technology for reagent confirmation and error detection before one drop of your valuable reagent is used

Minimal Hands-on Time

Biomek NGeniuS complete deck with labware A9865

  • Reagent Management System combines an innovative input carousel with temperature-controlled reagent storage zones minimizing unnecessary pipetting steps while limiting reagent exposure to external environment
  • Standard on-deck thermocycler reduces hands-on time for NGS protocols
  • Gripper for transporting labware on deck extends walkaway times and provides front-to-back protocol processing
  • Selective Tip Type pipetting head handles both 96 and 384 configured tips without tools or head swap-out

Ease of Use

Biomek NGeniuS complete deck head up display labware A0019

  • Biomek NGeniuS Portal Software allows batch setup and remote monitoring using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
  • Biomek NGeniuS batch setup process includes six easy steps and requires no programming skills
  • Biomek NGeniuS Work Aid lets you generate a check list for reagent and labware selection and preparation
  • Software Input Dial makes instrument programming as simple as turn and select
  • 24" Head-up display means you can stay focused on what is important to you
  • 360° Multi-color Status Light keeps you informed on instrument status


Biomek NGeniuS pipetting head gripper selective tip 8x1000 tip A9908

  • Batch flexibility means you can run any number of samples from 4-24, while minimizing reagent waste and providing the turnaround time your customers expect
  • Complimentary library of demonstrated NGS library prep methods for both DNA and RNA sequencing, and partial tip box capabilities, mean you don’t have to throw away partial tip boxes or manually transfer tips to optimize your tip usage

NGS Library Prep Methods Automated on Biomek NGeniuS System

Biomek NGeniuS comes with an extensive list of complimentary demonstrated NGS library prep methods. We partner with reagent kit vendors to automate kit protocols using relevant samples, to deliver equivalent data as described in the kit manufacturer's published literature. Our commitment to continually expand the method portfolio means that you have a diverse array of NGS library prep methods to select from.

Demonstrated methods include:

Reaction Vessel A9857 in Biomek NGeniuS System

Explore Biomek NGeniuS Model

Content and Resources

Biomek NGeniuS Cloud Services Security and Privacy FAQs
Automation of Illumina DNA Prep Kit on Biomek NGeniuS System In this application overview flyer, we demonstrate the automation of an Illumina DNA Prep kit on Beckman Coulter Biomek NGeniuS next generation library prep system.

Technical Documents

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IMPORTANT: Beckman Coulter makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever express or implied, with respect to this App Template, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability or that the App Template is non-infringing. All warranties are expressly disclaimed. Your use of the App Template is solely at your own risk, without recourse to Beckman Coulter. This App Template has been demonstrated for use on the Biomek NGeniuS system for the chemistry kit version and the release date shown at the time when the App is selected and created, but has not been validated by Beckman Coulter for use in the diagnosis of disease or other clinical conditions.

Products and demonstrated applications are not intended or validated for use in diagnostic procedures.